Third Saturday WalksAnimal Tracks
Evan Albright, an animal track expert, will lead an informative
walk about who is “tracking up” the Elfin Forest. Visitors will learn
how to tell the front feet from the back feet of a raccoon and how
coyote and dog tracks differ. Evan will also demonstrate how to find
other signs that a wild resident of the Elfin Forest has passed that
way. Attend this walk and develop an awareness of the comings and
goings of the Forest’s mammal, bird, and reptile inhabitants—and
enjoy some things you wouldn’t otherwise readily see while walking
along the boardwalk
To reserve a spot on the walk, email us at walks@elfin-forest.org Indicate the number in your party on the subject line of your email. Wear comfortable shoes and layers in case of fog or wind. Meet at the north end of 15th St. in Los Osos. An easy 1-mile walk lasts 1.5 to 2 hours. |