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African bridal creeper in the Elfin forest

Weed Management


This section is mostly a collection of weed management techniques and information we have found at other conservation organizations web sites and feel are of value in our area. A few items are from SWAP's experiences.

There are three sub-sections: the first covers general weed management techniques and a number of "common" invasive species. Most the common invasive species are of types that have been present in the area for some time and control techniques are relatively well known, if not always fully effective or easy.

The other two sub-sections deal with two relatively new species from South Africa. They are bridal creeper and cape ivy. To date their control is in question. Full eradication does not seem feasible. The same may be said of the veldt grass species which we included in the first sub-section only because they are grasses and do yield more or less to standard techniques.

  General Techniques and Various "Common" Weeds.  

  Bridal creeper   -- Asparagus asparagoides

  Cape ivy   -- Delairea odorata