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Banner view of Holister Peak

Third Saturday Walks

Plant Pathology

Why do plants have so much gall?

(Plant galls and other anomalies)

Wally Marks is a plant pathologist and a Registered Professional Forester in California. He will lead us on a brief walk around the elfin forest looking with you for anything unusual on our plants. Wally was the chair of the Pitch Canker Task Force and a member of the California Oak Mortality Task Force executive committee.

Reservations Required

To reserve a spot on the walk, email us at
Indicate the number in your party on the subject line of your email.

September 21, 9:30 a.m.

Wear comfortable shoes and layers in case of fog or wind.
Meet at the north end of 15th St. in Los Osos.
An easy 1-mile walk lasts 1.5 to 2 hours.

Coming Up Next

  October 19   Seeds: Space and Time Travelers Barb Renshaw, Faylla Chapman & Jeff Reifel